Welcome to jMDA

To generate software automatically has been a strong ambition since the early days of software development.

jMDA is a new approach in this area. It streamlines proven, widely known and accepted open source technologies into a most comprehensible and easy to use set of Java libraries that are extremely powerful and flexible at the same time. The main purpose of jMDA is

  • to leverage a comprehensible and easy to use modelling environment,

  • to provide convenient and complete access to modelling information and

  • to make available easy to use software generator facilities.

The introduction will briefly explain the main drivers behind this project, the jMDA book provides more detailed information about the most important concepts and the open source software is available here.

Monday 17 September 2012

Combine jmda.core with jmda.gen and create JUnit test suites for existing JUnit tests

This new example demonstrates how to combine the jmda.core and jmda.gen libraries. It shows how to find all JUnit test methods in a code base and and how to create JUnit test suites that automatically run all JUnit tests package by package.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Create a simple Java source code generator with four lines of code using jmda.gen

I wrote a small quickstart example of how to get started with the jmda.gen framework. Hope you find this interesting.

Complete redesign of jmda.gen generator framework

During the recent months I redesigned the jmda.gen generator framework completely. Today I start publishing previews of the upcoming new version 0.9 because I think that the library becomes more and more stable and mature. So if you are interested in building your own generators in a really comfortable and flexible manner then try and check out what jmda.gen can offer. You can find a jmda.gen quickstart example here.